The fine print


Below, you can find the terms & conditions that apply to all our events, including, but not limited to rope jams, improvisations, workshops and courses.


  • By booking a ticket to one of our events, you automatically agree to our terms of use. If you have problems with any of the clauses listed below or do not agree with the risk allocations mentioned here, please do not book tickets.

  • By booking a ticket, you automatically confirm that you/the attendee(s) are 18 years old or older, at the time of booking the ticket(s).


To offer maximum flexibility, tickets are linked to the ticket buyer only. You do not need to provide us with all attendee’s names (for example: the model you will be following the course with, the friends you are coming to the jam with, …).


  • Please note that your booking is legally binding. We will reserve a spot for you and in return you are due to pay the fee in full.

    • Most events are to be payed in full during the booking process.

    • For some events, we ask for a deposit during the booking process where the rest will be collected at the venue, during the event. In case of cancellation, a request for full payment will be sent to you.


  • Tickets are not refundable or transferable to a later date, regardless the reason of cancellation.

  • If you know someone who’d like to take over your ticket or if you’d like to take over someone else’s ticket, talk to us first. To safeguard the quality of our events, we’d like to check if the swap is adequate and opportune in light of the particular event. Tickets can not be transferred to another person without our prior consent.

  • We keep waiting lists, so we can contact those who have subscribed. The sooner you cancel, the bigger the chances to find suitable replacement. We gladly offer our help. Do keep in mind that we are not able to assist with cancellations, made less than 24h prior to the event.

  • International workshops are often to be payed in two parts: A deposit, to be payed during the booking process and the remaining part, to be payed during the event. In case of cancellation, a request for full payment will be sent to you.

RESCHEDULING & Force Majeure

  • We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to epidemics, government restrictions, fire, accidents, breakdown of equipment or war.

  • We retain the right to postpone the event in case of insufficient number of registrations or illness.

Disruptive Conduct

  • You acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to remove you from the event if we determine that your participation or behavior creates a disruption or hinders the event or the enjoyment of the event content by other attendees. We may also exclude any prospective participant from registering for or participating in any event in the future. 


  • On some events, the activities that you will undertake may be inherently dangerous. As such neither Domus E vzw or its volunteers shall be liable for any injuries, damage, loss, delay or expenses caused to you or any other person attending the event.

Governing Law

  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Belgium and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian courts.

6/12/2022: Cancellation ~ Details on how we can assist in case of cancellation added.
6/12/2022: Payment ~ Details on timing of payments added.
3/03/2023: Cancellation ~ Copied to a separate
cancellation policy page.
23/02/2024: Cancellation ~ Details about international workshops included.
6/08/2024: Ticket name ~ Subject added.

Peter Jaspers